Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Emerging Artist

A few weeks ago, while at Nokomis Beach here in Florida, my wife, Lesley was wading in the water and happened to have her iPhone in hand. It was one of those typical Gulf Coast days when the air was hot and there was a bit of red tide close to the beach.

Since the water was still chilly, I didn't venture from my beach chair. Looking out to the water from my chair I noticed Lesley taking pictures of the water? When she returned to her chair she showed me the photos she had just made. Wow, she really saw something! I couldn't wait to get home and take a closer look at Lesley's photos on my computer. Here is the result ...

FYI ... While in college at Boston University, Lesley wrote an extensive paper on black and white photography. It was really good! Somewhere down deep there was a photographer lurking ...
Lurk no more! I hope she keeps it up ...

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